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Производство пива

1. Crushing

- Crushing the malt grains

2. Mashing

- Mixing the crushed malt with water

3. Purifying

- Separation of the solid components from the first wort


4. Wort boiling

- Addition of hop
- Addition of BECOSOL 30

5. Hot trub separation

6. Wort cooling

- Cooling of the hot wort to fermentation temperature

7. Cool trub seperation

- Cool trub seperation through sedimentation of the cold wort, filtration with BECOLITE

8. Main fermentation

- Addition of beer yeasts to the original wort
SIHA HiFerm (top-fermenting)
SIHA LoFerm (bottom-fermenting)
Uvaferm Nottingham Ale (top-fermenting)
*(depending on the beer type)

9. Storage and maturing 

- Stabilization of the young beer with 

10. Precoat filtration

- Precoat filtration of the beer via kieselguhr frame filters with BECO ENDURA support sheets or boiler filter
- Use of filter aids such as BECOGURBECOLITEBECOCEL,
- Stabilization through BECOSORB and/or Divergan

11. Post-filtration 

- Sheet filtration via depth filter sheets from the BECO Beer Range 
- Cartridge filtration via BECO PROTECT pre-filter cartridges, BECO MEMBRAN and filter cartridges

12. Filling 

- Filling into bottles and barrels